The Items on the Tour vary by location, here is an example of Downtown Lansing’s Tour

Would you like to own an exclusive tee and have your name on our wall of fame? If the answer is yes, all you have to do is complete our Beer or Shot tour!

Step 1:

Grab a tour card from your bartender.

Step 2:
Pick a beer/shot from the list and get your card punched.

Step 3:
Finish the tour and receive an exclusive t-shirt and become legendary on our wall.

Remember, this is a marathon not a race or drinking contest. Think of it as an opportunity to get out of your comfort zone and try something new!

Rules To Live By:

• Some substitutions allowed, but it depends on the customers attitude and the bartenders mood.

• If the card is lost, suck it up and start over!

• No credit for beer or shots bought before the tour started.

• Limit 3 punches per day.
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